Watch: The best benders in football

Where flawless technique meets perfect execution, watch ten of the finest curled goals ever scored, featuring strikes from Luis Suarez, Hakim Ziyech, Philippe Coutinho, and others.

1. Chelsea’s Hakim Ziyech vs Tottenham

2. Brazil’s Philippe Coutinho vs Switzerland

3. AS Roma’s El Shaarawy vs Juventus

4. Barcelona’s Lionel Messi vs Liverpool

5. Real Madrid’s Toni Kroos vs Rayo Vallecano

6. Barcelona’s Luis Suarez vs Real Sociedad

7. Bournemouth’s Junior Stanislas vs Manchester United

8. Juventus’ Angel Di Maria vs Nantes

9. France’s Karim Benzema vs Spain

10. Juventus’ Paulo Dybala vs Sassuolo

Photo: Pressinphoto/Icon Sport via Getty Images

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